
Quercus aliena

Quercus aliena - oriental white oak
Image: Ecker, Michael E. - The Dawes Arboretum
Common name: oriental white oak
Family: Fagaceae (beech family)
Distribution: e. Asia
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: USDA Zone 5
Life form: Deciduous tree
Comments: A deciduous tree that grows natively to 60' tall, but about half that in cultivation. Branches are smooth and stout, with oblong to obovate (wider at the tips than at the base) leaves. Summer foliage is yellow-green on top and white beneath. Flowers are inconspicuous in early spring. Male flowers occur as catkins. Female flowers form small, 1" wide nuts held on axillary stalks in clusters.
Links: Flora of China ( Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy)World Flora Online


  • 1: BGC: BM10 (BM10) • Accession: D2011-0555.007 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 2: BGC: BN10 (BN10) • Accession: D2011-0555.005 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 3: BGC: BN10 (BN10) • Accession: D2011-0555.006 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 4: SEC: AU24 (AU24) • Accession: D2011-0555.004 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 5: SEC: AU24 (AU24) • Accession: D2011-0555.002 • Origin: China • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual