
Pinus parviflora 'Glauca Nana'

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Pinus parviflora 'Glauca Nana' - Glauca Nana Japanese white pine
Image: Ecker, Michael E. - The Dawes Arboretum
Common name: Glauca Nana Japanese white pine
Family: Pinaceae (pine family)
Distribution: Species native to Japan
Hardiness: USDA Zone 4
Life form: Evergreen tree
Comments: A dwarf evergreen conifer tree 6-15' tall in 10 years exhibiting beautiful bluish green foliage. Growth habit is upright and open. Needles are grouped 5 per bundle having conspicuous white stomatal bands underneath. Fruit is a terminal cone, 2-4" long, ovoid in shape, ripening to brownish red bearing small winged seeds inside. Grows at a rate of 6-12" each year.
Links: American Conifer Society Database


  • 1: AZA: AZ15 (AZ15) • Accession: D1996-1216.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual