
Diospyros virginiana 'John Rick'

Diospyros virginiana 'John Rick' - John Rick common persimmon
Common name: John Rick common persimmon
Family: Ebenaceae (ebony family)
Distribution: Species native to e. United States
Hardiness: USDA Zone 5
Life form: Deciduous tree
Comments: A large deciduous tree with an oval habit growing 35-60' high, spreading 20-35'. Acclaimed for its large, attractive fruits that are 2" in diameter and flavorful. Older bark is dark brown and broken into squares blocks. Fall color usually yellow-green or reddish purple. Needs room to grow properly - not a tree for the small yard.
Links: Cornell


  • 1: AES: BO27 (BO27) • Accession: D1997-0374.002 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
  • 2: AES: BP26 (BP26) • Accession: D1997-0374.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual