
Spiraea tomentosa

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Spiraea tomentosa - hardhack, steeplebush
Image: Ecker, Michael E. - The Dawes Arboretum
Common name: hardhack, steeplebush
Family: Rosaceae (rose family)
Distribution: e. North America
Hardiness: USDA Zone 3
Life form: Deciduous shrub/Subshrub
Comments: A small, vigorous-growing shrub with a very dense habit. At only 11/2' high it will mass and form into thickets with age. Flowers are purplish rose and produced in dense, terminal panicles during late summer.
Links: Flora of North America ( Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy)USDA PLANTS Database - US Department of AgricultureWorld Flora Online


  • 1: FLS: CC24 (CC24) • Accession: D2018-0442.001 • Origin: United States of America • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 2: VVW: AX16 (AX16) • Accession: D2001-0567.001 • Origin: United States of America • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual