
Acer truncatum

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Acer truncatum - purpleblow maple, Shantung maple
Image: Ecker, Michael E. - Dawes Arboretum
Common name: purpleblow maple, Shantung maple
Family: Aceraceae (maple family)
Distribution: e. Asia
IUCN Red list: Least concern
Hardiness: USDA Zone 5
Life form: Deciduous tree
Comments: A small tree to 25' high and wide. Round-headed with regular and dense branching, often twisted. Flowers are greenish yellow in May. Leaves are often purplish upon emerging, later turning olive-green with purple margins. Bark on older trees roughest of any maple. Fall color is yellow. Can be used as a street tree or small shade tree.
Links:Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy)The Plant List


  • 1: AZA: AZ16 (AZ16) • Accession: D1988-0385.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
  • 2: BRC: BU10 (BU10) • Accession: D1988-0276.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual