
Leucothoe fontanesiana

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Leucothoe fontanesiana - drooping leucothoe, mountain dog-hobble, switch-ivy
Image: Ecker, Michael E. - The Dawes Arboretum
Common name: drooping leucothoe, mountain dog-hobble, switch-ivy
Family: Ericaceae (heath family)
Synonym: Leucothoe axillaris var. editorum, Leucothoe catesbaei, Leucothoe walteri
Distribution: s.e. United States
Habitat: Woods along mountain streams, mountain ravines, moist slopes, often associated with Rhododendron maximum; 200-2000 m
Hardiness: USDA Zone 5
Life form: Evergreen shrub
Comments: This shrub grows slowly to 3-6' tall and wide. Leaves are evergreen year-round except during harsh winters. Flowers are white, fragrant, borne in 2-3" long axillary hanging clusters (May). Fruit is a dry, non-showy capsule containing numerous dust-like seeds. Plant in shade to part shade in rich, moist, acid soil.
Links:Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy)USDA PLANTS Database - US Department of AgricultureWorld Flora Online


  • 1: ADG: AT14 (AT14) • Accession: D1992-0550.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
  • 2: AZA: BD14 (BD14) • Accession: D1994-0366.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
  • 3: JPG: BB21 (BB21) • Accession: D0000-0660.001
  • 4: JPG: BC22 (BC22) • Accession: D1992-0550.006 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
  • 5: STU: AT09 (AT09) • Accession: D0000-0657.001
  • 6: VCA: AU13 (AU13) • Accession: D2002-1063.001 • Origin: United States of America • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 7: VCA: AU13 (AU13) • Accession: D2002-1063.002 • Origin: United States of America • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
  • 8: VCA: AU13 (AU13) • Accession: D2002-1063.003 • Origin: United States of America • Provenance: Wild of Known Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual