
Abies koreana 'Silver Show'

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Abies koreana 'Silver Show' - Silver Show Korean fir
Image: Bowman, Jeffery D. - The Dawes Arboretum
Common name: Silver Show Korean fir
Family: Pinaceae (pine family)
Distribution: Species native to Korea
Hardiness: USDA Zone 5
Life form: Evergreen tree
Comments: This slow-growing compact evergreen selection has needles that curl, showing their shiny white lower surfaces, contrasting beautifully with dark green upper surfaces. It slowly grows into a compact tree about 20' tall and half as wide. Beautiful, upright, violet colored cones are produced on young plants. Reported to grow 4-6" per year. Nice used as a specimen, accent or in the shrub border producing wonderful contrasting winter color.
Links: American Conifer Society Database


  • 1: CON: CM11 (CM11) • Accession: D1995-0452.001 • Provenance: Cultivated of Garden Origin
Cluster Area Area
Individual Individual